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Leawood Middle School

In this school I observed a sixth grade English Class and an Eighth grade reading class. I was able to learn

different techniques the teacher used to draw in the attention of students. Reading books is not everyones' favorite

part of English, but thanks to this classroom experience, I now have a few tricks up up my sleeve to make it more fun! This is the classroom that confirmed I would want to teach English. Seeing kids that are eager to learn about literature makes me love it even more. 

Blue River Elementary School

In this school I observed a third grade classroom. I was able to learn new ways to integrate technology into education in the classroom. This class was especially focused on flexible seating and it was clear to see how freedom to learn in a way that you find comfortable can help you retain information. This classroom made me realize location is key. Different students and types of teachers are in different locations. I would love to teach in a school just outside of city limits. 

Timber Creek Elementary School

In this school I observed a first grade classroom and a second grade classroom.I once again saw free seating an I also noticed a huge gap in how it effects different age groups. Being in a classroom filled with six to eight year old's made me miss my childhood and the liveliness of youth. The younger a child is the more eager they are to learn because they are so curious about how things work. This made me realize I want to teach first graders. I want to teach them to love education and learning. 

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